The Nazi prison guards were just following orders too. Great post as always, very thought provoking. I would forgive but not forget on the front lines of the COVID debacle, letting God decide what was in their heart when judgement day comes.

The planers and enforcers deserve punishment as they are at an entirely different level in this murderous onslaught against humanity. They were and still are premeditated in their crimes.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Jan 18Author

Thank you Bert, much appreciated.

Interesting parallel, nowadays bureaucrats follow orders and also "incorporate guidelines", "implement protocols", "take into account non-binding opinions", "operate in framework" and yada yada. This web of superficial complexity, pared with the torrents of hearings/ testimonies/ speeches that supposedly serve "transparency", rub me the most.

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You are welcome. It is our duty to keep calling them out, I intend to do just that.

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